Monday, August 19, 2013

What's In A Name?

As much as I hate to admit it, it was hard to come up with a name for my blog. It seemed like all the "good" names were taken. I asked my husband and my mom for input, and received suggestions like Contrived Runner, Sporadic Runner, and Lazy Runner (yea, thanks Mom). Okay, to my Mom's credit she did say Sophisticated Runner-which makes me wonder how well she knows her own daughter-but it was a compliment nonetheless.

After checking the availability of many different names, most some kind of "runner", I decided that wasn't for me. I'm not clever enough to think of something cute, incorporating a favorite food, mostly because I have too many-and if I did it would be something like "Likes Food Too Much And Forced To Become A Runner".

Mmmmm.....Rice Krispies

After much deliberation (read: an hour) Going Further, Running Farther came to me. I thought about where I am in life and where I'd like to be and realized there is still a lot I want to accomplish, thus the metaphorical distance of Going Further was created. Since that in no way seemed complete Running Farther followed my brainstorm shortly thereafter. I have the desire to run and keep running. A goal and dream I set for myself that only I can achieve.

But enough of that-if you are here to read an experts advice and learn how to get PR's, I assure you this is the wrong blog. If you're here to read about my day-to-day life, my attempts to be healthy, and my (somewhat) daily workouts then welcome!

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I like the name "Likes Food Too Much And Forced To Become A Runner"!!! Its hard to say but its funny as heck :)

    Good post, keep'em coming...
